Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mumias Sugar Company Tender Advertisement

Mumias Sugar Company invites tenders from interested manufacturers or appointed agents for the supply of the items below:-

No: 1
Description: Boiler Water Chemicals/Water Flocculants/Juice Flocculants.
Value: 5,000.00

No: 2
Description: Calcium Hypochlorite/Caustic Soda/ Sulphur
Value: 5,000.00

No: 3
Description: Lime ( Calcium Hydroxide)
Value: 5,000.00

Tender documents may be obtained from MUMIAS SUGAR COMPANY- Main Office (Mumias) or at our Nairobi Office, Real Insurance House Hospital Road, Nairobi Tel. No. 020 2712317/8 on payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh. 5,000/= per tender document payable by Bankers cheque or to be deposited in our Account No. 226 680 396 KCB Mumias Branch.

These forms may be collected during normal working hours. Complete Tender Documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Tender for either 1,2,3 or all and addressed to: -

The Company Secretary
Mumias Sugar Company Ltd.
Private Bag Mumias - Kenya

Should be deposited in the Tender Box situated in our offices in Mumias to reach not later than Friday 28th August 2009 at 10.00 am.

Mumias Sugar Company reserves the right to accept or reject any application either wholly or in part and does not bind itself to give reasons for either rejection or acceptance.

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.