Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Tyres Supply Tender Notice

1. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) invites tenders for Supply of Tyres:-TENDER NO. KWS/HQS/FM/09/2009-2010.

2. Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents from the offices of the Head of Supply Chain Management, Kenya Wildlife Service Headquarters, between 9.00am and 4.00pm from Monday to Friday.

3. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained from the Procurement Office, Kenya Wildlife Service, headquarters, Nairobi, during normal working hours, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh.2,000.00 at the cash office, in cash or bankers' cheque addressed to the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service.

4. Tenders must be accompanied by a bid security in form of a bank guarantee, or an insurance company guarantee, for an amount of Kshs 50,000.00 or equivalent issued in a freely convertible currency. Bids must remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of tender opening.

5. Completed tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with "Tender Reference Number and Tender Name" should be addressed to the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service, PO Box 40241-00100, Nairobi and deposited into the Tender Box situated at the entrance of Simba Court (KWS HQS) so as to be received on or before 12 noon on 15th
September 2009.

6. Tender opening will take place immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders, or their representatives, who wish to attend.


Payment Services Provider (PSP) Invitation for prequalification

Republic of Kenya

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development

Department of Children's Services

Specific Procurement Notice

Invitation for prequalification

Payment Services Provider (PSP)

This invitation for prequalification follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in the Development Business No. WB1203-748 of 17 March, 2009 on-line and in the market.

The Republic of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the expansion of the Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) Program, and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under the contract for a Payment Services Provider (PSP) function to deliver cash transfers to the beneficiary households.

The Department of Children Services within the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development intends to prequalify firms/ institutions for the PSP function.

The CT-OVC Program has been underway for the last four years, first with a pre-pilot and then with a pilot program. The overall objective of the CT-OVC Program is to "provide a social protection system through regular and predictable cash transfers to households living with O VC in order to encourage fostering and retention of OVC within their families and communities and to promote their human capital development".

The Program is presently being expanded and, by latest end of 2009, the Program is expected to be delivering cash transfers to a total of about 70,000 OVC households in 47 districts and to reach around 100,000 households by 2012. Payments to beneficiary households are to be made once every two months; each with cash transfers of K.Shs, 3,000 per household.

In the seven pilot districts payments are currently being made through the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) and in the 40 expanded districts payments are being made through the district treasury.

Efficiency of service delivery in a cash transfer program depends highly on the payment mechanism used to bring the cash to targeted households. In the light of lessons learned so far from the Program, it has been decided to phase out the use of the district treasury for the provision of payments.

For this reason, a payment services provider will be selected competitively to provide cash payments for all 47 program districts (with a gradual scale-up). The payment services provider contract aims to strengthen the program capacity to deliver the benefits in an effective, efficient and transparent way, including building social accountability mechanisms.

It is expected that the invitations for bid will be made in early November, 2009
Prequalification will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, (May 2004, revised October 1, 2006) and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the Guidelines.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from, and inspect the prequalification documents, at the Department of Children Services at the address below during office hours, Monday-Friday 0900 - 1700 hours.

A complete set of prequalification documents in the English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Ksh.5,000/- or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency.

The method of payment will be banker's cheque in favour of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development. Upon request, the document may be sent by courier service at the recipient's expense.

Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed and clearly marked envelopes and delivered to the address below not later than 1430hours on October 1st, 2009.

The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject late applications.

Department of Children Services
Attn: Grace Kimani, Procurement Officer
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development
Jogoo House "A"
Harambee Avenue
P.O.Box 46205-00100

Tel: +254 20 222 8411 ext. 30040
Fax: +254 20 310574 or 224 8827
E-mail: ctovckenya @
Web site:

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Invitation to Tender

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) invites tenders for:

1) Supply of Compo Ration Items:- Tender No. KWS/HQS/ QM/05/2009-2010

2) Supply of Uniform, Clothing and Uniform Items:- KWS/ HQS/QM/08/2009-2010

Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents from the offices of the Head of Supply Chain Management, KWS Headquarters, between 9.00am and 4.00pm on Monday to Friday.

A complete set of tender documents may be obtained from the Procurement Office, KWS headquarters, Nairobi, during normal working hours, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh.3,000.00 at the cash office, in cash or bankers' cheque addressed to the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service.

Tenders must be accompanied by a bid security in form of a bank guarantee, or an insurance company guarantee, for an amount of Kshs 50,000.00 or equivalent issued in a freely convertible currency. Bids must remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of tender opening.

Completed tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with "Tender Reference Number and Tender Name" should be addressed to the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service, PO Box 40241-00100, Nairobi and deposited into the tender Box situated at the entrance of Simba Court (KWS HQS) so as to be received on or before 12 noon on 15th September 2009.

Tender Opening will take place immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders, or their representatives, who wish to attend.


Mumias Sugar Company Tender Advertisement

Mumias Sugar Company invites tenders from interested manufacturers or appointed agents for the supply of the items below:-

No: 1
Description: Boiler Water Chemicals/Water Flocculants/Juice Flocculants.
Value: 5,000.00

No: 2
Description: Calcium Hypochlorite/Caustic Soda/ Sulphur
Value: 5,000.00

No: 3
Description: Lime ( Calcium Hydroxide)
Value: 5,000.00

Tender documents may be obtained from MUMIAS SUGAR COMPANY- Main Office (Mumias) or at our Nairobi Office, Real Insurance House Hospital Road, Nairobi Tel. No. 020 2712317/8 on payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh. 5,000/= per tender document payable by Bankers cheque or to be deposited in our Account No. 226 680 396 KCB Mumias Branch.

These forms may be collected during normal working hours. Complete Tender Documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Tender for either 1,2,3 or all and addressed to: -

The Company Secretary
Mumias Sugar Company Ltd.
Private Bag Mumias - Kenya

Should be deposited in the Tender Box situated in our offices in Mumias to reach not later than Friday 28th August 2009 at 10.00 am.

Mumias Sugar Company reserves the right to accept or reject any application either wholly or in part and does not bind itself to give reasons for either rejection or acceptance.

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Request for Proposal Developing a Strategic Plan for the Kenya Power & Lighting Co. Ltd. Training School

The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited intends to engage a consultant to develop a strategic plan which will enable the company use the school to achieve its objectives in the immediate and long term future.

Suitable consultancy firms are therefore, invited to submit a Proposal for Development of a Strategic Plan for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited Training School as follows:

Tender No: KPLC1 /5BC-1C/RFP/SP/TS/01 /09
Job Description: Request for Proposal for Development of a Strategic Plan.
Closing Date: 21.09.09

Selection will be done through short listing of consultants who will have fulfilled all conditions as in the Request for Proposal Document.

Details on the terms of reference, evaluation criteria and format for submitting the bids are contained in the Request for Proposal Document to be obtained from the Human Resources Development Manager's Office, 5th Floor, Stima Plaza on normal working days from 19th August 2009 between 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.2,000/=.

Payment shall be made in Cash or Banker's cheque at Stima Plaza, Nairobi, 1st Floor, Costing Office. Those who had paid for the previous Tender (No. KPLC1/5BC-1C/RFP/SP/TS/01/08) will not be required to pay on presentation of the obtained receipt as proof of purchase of the earlier document.

The proposal in plain sealed envelopes to be submitted as detailed under clause 1.5 and clearly marked "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR KPLC TRAINING SCHOOL" and addressed to:

The Company Secretary
The Kenya Power & Lighting Co. Ltd.
Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Parklands
P O Box 30099 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

should be deposited inside the Tender Box at Stima Plaza, Ground Floor not later than 10.00 a.m. on 21" September, 2009. Proposals will be opened immediately thereafter on the same day in the Stima Plaza Auditorium, Nairobi.

The Kenya Power & Lighting Co. Ltd.
Consultants or their representatives are welcome to attend.

Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Stand By - Generator

Tender No: KTTI 017/2009/2010

Scope of work: The work shall include, supply of and installation of a 100KVA stand-by generator, automatic failure control panel and associated cabling. The control room is 20m from the proposed installation site.

Tender documents may be collected upon payment of a non refundable fee of Ksh. 2000.OO. The bid bond for the tenderer is Ksh. 20,000.00.

Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes marked 'TENDER' with TENDER NO. and bearing no indication of identity of tenderer shall be addressed to:

P.O BOX 937 - 30100,

and placed in the tender box situated at the entrance of the administration block or sent by post so as to reach the above address not later than 11/09/2009 AT 10:00 A.M.
Submitted tender documents shall be opened soon after the above stated date and time in the institute Board room.

Prices must remain valid for a period of ninety days from the opening date of tenders.
The institute reserves the right to reject any tender without giving reasons for rejection and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.


Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited Tender for Provision of Property Management Service

Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited invites tenders from eligible and qualified Consultants for the provision of property management services for its properties.
Interested eligible tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the tender documents at the Procurement Office located at KTDA Farmers Building, Moi Avenue, during normal office working hours.

A compete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested tenderers upon payment of a non-refundable tender processing fee of Kshs 5,000 in cash or bankers cheque payable to Kenya Tea Development Agency Ltd at the Cash Office situated on the 5th floor of KTDA Farmers Building.

Prices quoted exclusive VAT, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of this tender.

Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked "TENDER FOR PROVISION OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES" and addressed to:

The Managing Director
Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited
KTDA Farmers Building
Moi Avenue
P.O. Box 30213 - 00100

should be deposited in the tender Box at the reception on ground floor of KTDA Farmers Building, Moi Avenue so as to be received on or before 15th September 2009 at 10.00 a.m.

The tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the Board Room.

KTDA is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender or to give reasons thereof.


Horticultural Crops Development Authority Tender Notice: Tender for Supply and Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) is a State Corporation established under the Agriculture Act Cap 318 mandated to promote, develop coordinate and facilitate production and marketing of horticultural products that meet customer driven needs at competitive costs through appropriate policies and technologies, and enhance socio-economic sustainability.

HCDA wishes to procure and implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System as part of its on-going adoption of modern technology, office automation and use of ICT in the provision of services to the stakeholders in the horticulture sub-sector.

Reputable vendors of internationally recognized ERP Systems with local support are invited to bid for supply and implementation of the system.

Tender documents in Soft or Hard Copy may be collected from the Procurement Office Ground Floor - NHC Building (HCDA HEADQUARTERS) Off North Airport Road, Opposite Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) between 9.00am and 4.00pm from Monday to Friday, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.5, 000/= to the Cashier's office.
The dully-filled tender documents in plain sealed envelope marked HCDA Tender No. HCDA/T/01/09-10 must be accompanied by a bid security deposit in the form and amount specified in the tender documents, and be deposited in the Tender Box at the HCDA Reception on or before 11th September 2009 at noon and thereafter opening in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

HCDA reserves the right to accept or reject any application, either wholly or in part and is not bound to give any reasons for either rejection or acceptance for the same.

The tender document should be addressed:

The Managing Director,
P.O. Box 42601-00100,

Geothermal Development Company Limited (GDC) Invitation to Tender

Geothermal Development Company Ltd
22nd Floor, Nyayo House, Kenyatta Av.
P.O. Box 100746-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254) 20 310112, (254) 20 2214164

Invitation to Tender

Geothermal Development Company Limited (GDC) invites sealed tenders from suppliers for:

(a) Drilling Materials (Rock bits, Casings and Casing Accessories) - GDC/09/002

(b) Scientific Equipment (TEM and MT) - GDC/09/003

(c) Vehicles (4x4 Field Vehicles) - GDC/09/004

(d) 10" and 8" Victaulic grooved steel water pipes and accessories - GDC/09/005

The tender proposals shall be submitted as per the specifications and conditions outlined in the tender document.

Interested and eligible tenderers can obtain further information and purchase the tender document at the following address: -

The General Manager,
Geothermal Development Company Ltd (GDC)
22nd Floor, Room 2217, Nyayo House
Tel: (254) 20 310112, (254) 20 2214164
P.O Box 100746-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

The tender document may be obtained in electronic (PDF) format by interested firms upon payment of non-refundable fee of KSh 3,000 or an equivalent.

The tender document can also be issued through e-mail to the bidders who will have expressed interest upon payment of the fee.

Only bidders who will have paid the fee will qualify for tender evaluation.

Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in the form and amount specified in the tender document, and must be delivered on or before 24th September 2009 at 1400Hrs Tenders will be opened at 1500Mrs in the presence of the tenderers' representatives who choose to attend on the date and time at Board Room, 23rd Floor, Nyayo House, Nairobi, Kenya.

Dr. Silas M. Simiyu
General Manager

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mumias sugar company ( MSC) Expression of Interest For the Design, Manufacture, Installation and Commissioning of both the Bagasse Baler and Shredder

Expression of Interest

For the Design, Manufacture, Installation and Commissioning of Both the Bagasse Baler and Shredder

Mumias sugar company ( MSC) limited the leading sugar manufacturer in Kenya, has
commissioned a bagasse based Cogeneration plant comprising of high pressure boiler of
84 bar and Turbo generator with a power output capacity of 34 MW.

In that regard, MSC is seeking an Expression of interest from competent firms for the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of the bagasse baler and shredder.

Interested companies are expected to submit their Technical proposal which should include, although not limited to the following:-
  • Your company profile and registration
  • Proposed methodology
  • Information on the nature of your business
  • Capabilities and your capacity to undertake subsequent contract
  • Experience in executing similar jobs
  • Money quantum of similar jobs carried out and year stated and completed
  • Your audited financial statement for the last 5 years
Your proposal should not involve any financial bid at this stage.

If your company is capable of carrying out the above job, please do furnish us with all the information required above.

The response should be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked "Expression of Interest for Bagasse baler and shredder.' and addressed to

The company secretary,
Mumias Sugar Company Ltd,
P.O. Private Bag MUMIAS.

To be received not later than 4.00p.m, Friday 28th.August.2009

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)/USAID Supported Programs Nutrimix Production Joint Venture Request for Expression of Interest

Ref: KARI/HQTS/009/09-10

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute with financial support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and collaborative efforts of peasant farmers from M bee re and Makueni implemented activities leading to the construction of Nutribusiness factories, both at Masongaleni location in Makueni and at Kiritiri Mbeere.

Records had indicated that malnutrition (hidden hunger) affects 1 every 3 people world wide and was caused by imbalanced diet and lack of vitamins and essential minerals. The USAID supported Nutribusiness Project was conceived to utilize available agricultural products at the two sites in semi-arid areas to:

Identify locally grown agricultural produce that can be used to address imbalanced diet through value addition.
  • Formulate Nutrimixes that could be used as weaning foods and for elderly people. Spur agricultural productivity of those agricultural products in the surrounding areas.
  • Formulate Nutrimixes and mass produce them for sale to nearby and major towns.
Mamix a formulation from Mbeere consists of Sorghum flour, Sweet potato tubers flour Cowpea grains flour, Amaranthus leaves flour, Sweet Potato leaves flour and Finger millet grains flour while Nimix formulation from Makueni production unit consists of Cassava, Sorghum, Cowpea leaves, Pigeon pea grains, Pearl Millet and Sweet potato leaves flours.

Members at these units have undergone training in nutrimix production and elementary book keeping, as well as basic handling and maintenance of equipment supplied to the production units.

KARI/USAID Programs Coordination Office intends to identify an entrepreneur to work with the farmers to produce the nutrimix and other products at the two sites.

Briefly the scope of the work would include, but not limited to the following:
  • In collaboration with the farmer groups work out a marketing strategy of the products (value products to be produced, raw materials reliability costs of production and pricing, markets for products, sales).
  • In collaboration with the farmer groups go into large scale production of the nutrimixes or diversify to other products.
Interested private entrepreneurs are invited to write to the undersigned to express their interest and indicate:
  • Proven record of successful business venture
  • Successful experience as a prime entrepreneur, partner in a joint venture, over the past five years Investment/cost share contribution to the joint venture
  • Legal status of the firm (attach supporting documents)
  • Availability of competent professional team to manage the assignment
Completed Expression of Interest documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked "EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: NUTRIBUSINESS JOINT VENTURE" must be delivered to the address above on or before 2nd September, 2009 at 12.00 p.m. and be deposited in the Tender Box located at the main entrance of KARI Headquarters building.

For bulky documents that cannot go through the slot of the Tender Box, they should be delivered to Room 151 on the ground floor of KARI Headquarters Building Western Wing.

The bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of candidates' Representatives who choose to attend at 12.00 p.m. 2nd September, 2009 at KARI Headquarters Main Conference Hall. Late applications will be rejected.


Arid Lands Resource Management Project II Request for Expression of Interest Consultancy on Annual Environmental Audit

Republic of Kenya
Office of the Prime Minister

Ministry of State for the Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands

Arid Lands Resource Management Project II

Request for Expression of Interest
Consultancy on Annual Environmental Audit

The Government of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development Association towards the cost of Arid Lands Resource Management Project Phase Two (ALRMPII) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contracts for procurement of consultancy services.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of State for the Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands is desirous of engaging a consultancy firm to undertake the task for Arid Lands Resource Management Project II.

The Project which is based in 28 ASAL districts of Kenya works through four (4) components namely:-
  • Natural Resource Management,
  • Drought Management,
  • Community-Driven Development and
  • Support to Local Development.
The objectives of the Project are to reduce livelihood vulnerability, enhance food security and improve basic services delivery in 28 drought prone arid and semi arid districts in Kenya.

Objective of the Assignment
  • To review the performance of the ALRMP II in integrating natural resources and environmental management and mitigation measures into the operation of the Project, and make practical recommendation for improving performance.
  • To ensure and record compliance monitoring based oh developed screening checklist, environmental management and monitoring plans
  • To identify cumulative effects resulting from various sectoral activities implemented
  • To provide learning lessons for continuous performance improvement in planning, implementing and monitoring multi-sectoral activities in the ASALs
The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of State for the Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services.

Interested consultancy firms shall provide information indicating their profiles, qualifications, capabilities and details of past experience, especially in areas of their expertise (brochures, descriptions of similar assignment, experience in similar assignment, experience in similar conditions, availability of skills among staff etc.) which will enable the office to shortlist suitable firms.

The Arid Lands Resource Management Project II will prepare the shortlist of firms to whom the Requests for Proposals (RFP) will later be distributed. Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank Guidelines "Selection and Employment of Consultants by the World Bank Borrowers" dated May 2004, as revised in October 2006.

Completed Expression of Interest documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked "Arid Lands Resource Management Project: Expression of Interest: Consultancy on Annual Environmental Audit for ALRMP II" must be delivered to the address below on or before 3rd September 2009.10.00 am.

Arid Lands Resource Management Project II
P.O. Box 53547-00200
KICC 13th Floor
Tel: 020-2227496/2227627, Fax: 020-2227982
Email Address: alrmphq @

National Project Coordinator

The Inter-University Council for East Africa Tender For The Lake Victoria Research Initiative (VICRES)



1.1 The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) is a regional intergovernmental organization and an institution of the East African Community (EAC). IUCEA coordinates inter-university cooperation, facilitates development of member universities and promotes quality of higher education in the region.

1.2 IUCEA is implementing the Lake Victoria Research Initiative (VicRes) - a regional research granting programme involving universities, research institutes and research related firms in the five Partner States.

The programme's core activity is to fund research in the East African region as part of the Lake Victoria Development Programme (LVDP), which focuses on environmental restoration, sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, and improvement of the livelihoods of people in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB).

1.3 IUCEA has secured financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) to implement VicRes Phase 3 for the period January 2009 to December 2012. IUCEA has allocated funds and intends to apply part of the proceeds of these funds to procure the above consultancy services.

1.4 IUCEA now invites suitably qualified individuals, teams or firms to submit their applications for provision of consultancy services captioned above and described hereunder.


The Consultant's assignment will be to carry out, back-to-back, a Research Audit and prepare a Strategic Plan for VicRes.

2.1.1 Purpose and scope of the Research Audit

The consultant is expected to:
  • Present a comprehensive overview of other research initiatives in the Lake Victoria and East Africa region (bilateral, regional and international) that are of relevance to VicRes.
  • Discuss the focus and comparative advantages of each research initiative, draw conclusions and
  • Present alternative scenarios on the future of VicRes in terms of:
  1. Scientific focus on few but larger projects with medium to large scale funding.
  2. Prospects for product development through partnership with the private/business sector and how to address intellectual property rights issues.
  3. Scientific structure (number of research clusters).
  4. Regional/transboundary/shared resources.
2.1.2 The VicRes strategic plan

The consultant is expected to prepare a draft strategic plan for VicRes for the period 2010 to 2015 including the Vision, Mission, Objectives, results-based log-frame with outputs, impacts/outcomes, indicators (qualitative and quantitative) by:

1) Carrying out an overview of the position of VicRes research and its linkages with national, regional and global development agenda.

2) Carrying out an overview of the strategic plans of the IUCEA, East African Community (EAC), New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), the African Union (AU), the National Councils/Commissions for Science and Technology of the Partner States, and National Development Plans/Poverty Reduction Strategies of the Partners States and the possible links between them and VicRes.

The draft Strategic Plan is expected to address the following:

i) Gender and regional balance if the scientific quality of VicRes is increased i.e. there may be a need for special support to Burundi and Rwanda whose participation is still very low.

ii) Product development from research findings.

iii) Communication and dissemination of research outputs to aid decision malting and development planning in the region,

iv) Resource mobilization, expansion of the resource base and sustainability of VicRes.

v) Linkage with other research initiatives in the Lake Victoria basin and East Africa region, particularly with the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC).

vi) Partnership and networking with government, policy makers, business/private sector and other institutions and organs of the East Africa Community.


The consultancy shall take place between 1st September and 31st December 2009 and will commence soon after signing the Contract in three parts as follows:

Part 1: Preparation of a draft Research Audit Report and draft Strategic Plan (4 weeks: 20 mandays). The draft should be ready by 15th Oct 2009.

Part 2: Presentation of draft Research Audit Report and draft Strategic Plan at the stakeholders' Result-Based Management Workshop for discussion and stakeholders' inputs (3 mandays)

Part 3: Submission of revised and final Research Audit Report and Strategic Plan (2 weeks: 10 mandays).

3.2 Total number of mandays: 33.


The consultant (individual, consortium or firm) should have the following qualifications, experience and skills:

4.1 Education: Masters degree and preferably PhD in Natural Sciences; training in or familiarity with Strategic Planning and Result-Based Management.

4-2 Experience: Several years of working experience in research programme management/research councils; Demonstrated experience and high capability and ability to undertake research planning, monitoring and evaluation.

4.3 Skills and attributes: Excellent communication and inter-personal skills; Excellent analytical, evaluation and report-writing skills; Computer literate -especially in use of MS Office programmes; Good spoken and written English.


5.1 Relevant to Section 4 above, hard copies of the curriculum vitae (CVs) of consultant (s) and profile of firm(s) interested in providing the consultancy services should be delivered together with the application for expression of interest in sealed envelopes and clearly marked "Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services - VicRes Research Audit and Strategic Plan" to the address given below. Enquiries can be sent to the e-mail addresses shown.

5.2 Eligible individuals, teams or firms may obtain further information at the address given below between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on working days or down load from the IUCEA website

5.3 The application should reach the undersigned not later than 11:00 a.m. local time (8 Hours GMT) on 28th August 2009. Late submissions will be rejected.

5.4 Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to prepare and submit full Technical and Financial proposals. No correspondences will be entertained after the short listing of eligible consultants.

The Executive Secretary
The Inter-University Council for East Africa
EADB Building, 3rd Floor, Plot 4 Nile Avenue
P.O. Box 7110 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-414-256521/2, Fax: +256-414-342007
E-mail: info @, exsec @,
copied to: j.obua @, jobua09 @

East African Portland Cement Company Tender Notice

The East African Portland Cement Company Limited invites sealed Tenders from interested and eligible firms for the following items:-

BID BOND FEE: Kshs.200,000.00
CLOSING DATE: Extended to 2.9.2009 11.00am

BID BOND FEE: Kshs.500,000.00
CLOSING DATE: Extended to 2.9.2009 11.00am

BID BOND FEE: Kshs.100,000.00
CLOSING DATE: Extended to 2.9.2009 11.00am

BID BOND FEE: Kshs.1 million
CLOSING DATE: 10.09.2009 11.00 am

BID BOND FEE: Kshs.1 million
CLOSING DATE: 10.09.2009 11.00am

TENDER NO: EAPCC/04 1/2009
BID BOND FEE: Kshs.1 million
CLOSING DATE: 16 .09.2009 11.00am

Tender documents may be obtained from:

P.O. BOX 20-00204, ATHI RIVER.
EMAIL: info @

Upon payment of nonrefundable tender fee of Kshs 5,000 paid in cash or by a banker's cheque payable to East African Portland Cement Co. Ltd. Cash payments should be made to the Cashier on Mon - Friday between 9.00 a.m to 12.30 & 2.00 p.m to 3.30 p.m East African time.

Completed Tender documents enclosed in plain, sealed envelopes, clearly marked Tender number
should be addressed and sent to:

P.O. BOX 20-00204,

or be deposited in the Tender Box in the reception Area of East African Portland Cement Company Headquarters Main Building, at Athi River off Namanga Road, so as to reach on or before 2nd September, 2009, 10th September 2009 and 16th September 2009 where applicable at 11.00 A.M local time.

Tenderers are required to submit together with the Tender, a Bid Bond issued by a reputable local or foreign/international bank or insurance firms approved by Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) of Kenya. Tenders and bid Bonds should remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of the Tender.

Tenderers or their representatives are free to attend the tender opening at the East African Portland Cement Company Limited Head Office, in the Conference Room immediately after closing at 11.00 A.M on the closing date of the Tenders, i.e. 2nd September ,2009, 10th September 2009 and 16th September 2009.

Uganda Online Monitoring Platform and Evaluation Resource Facility

In any correspondence on This subject please quote No. ADM/136/01

1. The Office of the Prime Minister through The National Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy (NIMES) has received funds from the World Bank to be used for the acquisition of Consultancy services for the development of an Online Monitoring Platform and Evaluation Resource Facility.

2- The Office of the Prime Minister in an effort to enhance effectiveness in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating sector performance within Govern¬ment has developed a Sector Quarterly Performance Matrix. There is need to computerize this reporting mechanism by developing an online platform that enables a Sector-Wide Data pool, which is user friendly in Data capturing and processing.

3- The major objective of this project is to develop an "Online Monitoring Platform and evaluation Resource Facility" where sectors can upload quarterly performance data and enable verification, analysis, and reporting of results and trends for a wide audience.

4. The specific objectives are to:

i) Develop a sector-wide database tool for capturing sector quarterly performance data; - Capture data from the matrices distributed to the sectors

ii) Process and generate quarterly reports: provide for smart export and import of data to spreadsheets, statistics and or other application programs for analysis

iii) Develop a web-based evaluations resource. This will also require redesigning the NIMES website ( to a more dynamic site that will accommodate the required needs in order e.g.,

- There is need to have provision for an online Database where reports can be accessed; directly through browsing or web search engines. This will accommodate the resource documents for all monitoring, evaluation and policy, reports generated by National Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group.

- Customize it for the Technical Working Group members, where work plans, minutes, and any requests for input and online discussions can be posted. This will allow the members timely contributions to and consultation on issues that may arise.

5. Scopes of the Services.

5.1 Sector-wide Database Tool

i) The UNDP Evaluation Office Evaluation Resource Centre provides a good
example of such a tool.

ii) AfCOP website:

The assignment has four specific areas:

i) Conduct an analysis of the Sector Quarterly Performance Report matrix to
design a system to capture the data generated

ii) Develop a centralized sector-based database tool for capturing performance data

iii) Conduct training for the secretariat in the usage of the database tool

iv) Develop a frame work for a web-based reporting mechanism

5.2 Services Required Web-based Evaluations Resource

The site shall:

i) Have a provision for an online database where reports for all evaluations can be publically accessed-online resource centre,

ii) The site will have a customized section for the TWG members, where workplans, minutes, and any requests for input and online discussions can be posted. This will allow the members timely

6. Final Outputs/deliverables of the assignment.

The consultancy should produce the following outputs:

6.1 Database

i) Tool for capturing sector quarterly performance data finalized in 3 months

ii) Fully functional set of software that satisfies the requirements and design
elements previously documented,

iii) An online help system that describes the operation of the software,

iv)An implementation map that identifies the primary code entry points for all
major system functions,

v) A test plan that describes the test cases to be used to validate the correctness
and completeness of the software

vi) Framework for migrating to a web-based database

6.2 Web-based

i) A web-site development and marketing plan within 2 weeks of signing of contract

ii) A prototype of the website developed within 2 months

iii) Website established within 3 months

iv) Content updated regularly to reflect the progress of the project

v) Documentation

6.3 Monthly reports and a final report at the end of the assignment

7- The Office of the Prime Minister now invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the consultancy services. Interested firms must provide a capability statement indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, descriptions of similar assignments; availability of appropriate skills among staff etc).

8. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

9. A firm will be selected through the procedures in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act No. 1 /2003 and the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Regulations No. 70/2003.

10. Qualifications
  • Should be a leading IT company and provide in their EOI a certificate of registration and VAT registration certificate.
  • It should have proven experience in the field and hence be able to provide evidence of having carried out at least 3 projects/ assignments of similar nature across the region in the last 3 Years.
  • Work force with the team leader having a minimum qualification of Masters in Information Systems or equivalent and professional certifications like OCP, MSCD, MCDBA will be added advantage;
  • The team should include individuals who can evidence experience in web development, administration and Content Management.
11. Interested firms may obtain further information at Office of the Prime Minister 4th Floor Room 4.

12.Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below at or before 12:00 noon on the 27th August, 2009. Late bids shall be rejected.

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend at the address below 13

13-Contact Address
Head Procurement and Disposal Unit,
Office of the Prime Minister
Yusuf Lule Road, P.O.Box 341, Kampala

Pius Bigirimana

Feasibility Study for Development of an Oil Refinery in Uganda Invitation for Expression of Interest

The Republic of Uganda

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development

Feasibility Study for Development of an Oil Refinery in Uganda

Invitation for Expression of Interest

1.0 Introduction

The Government of Uganda has an interest in securing reliable supplies of petroleum products at least cost to consumers. In this regard, the Government is promoting the rational exploration of the hydrocarbon resources in the country.

In line with this objective, the Government has rigorously promoted oil exploration in the various parts of the country. Following the recent exploration success in the Lake Albert area, it has been determined that the Albertine Graben contains sufficient reserves for commercial development.

The discovery of oil in Uganda raises the possibility that oil could be refined locally to meet product demand.

The Government of Uganda has received a grant from the Norwegian Government through the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD) to conduct a Feasibility Study for Refinery Development in Uganda.

The objective of this study is to have an independent assessment of development alternatives for the area, and to evaluate possible refining and related infrastructure alternatives.

2.0 Objectives

The Feasibility study shall cover the entire chain from production to delivery of finished

The specific objectives of the study include;

i) To study the feasibility of developing a refinery in Uganda with required infrastructure in order to achieve optimal benefits from the discovered resources.

ii) To analyse and document different alternatives with cost estimates for a refinery and its attendant infrastructure.

iii)To analyse the impact that the development of a refinery and its attendant infrastructure will have, address and prioritise the specific areas of concern and propose possible mitigation measures.

3.0 Scope of assignment

The Consultancy firm shall

i) Analyse the regional Petroleum Products Market

ii) Perform an economic analysis of the benefits of refinery development

iii) Suggest Oil Refinery Development Cases

iv) Study possible locations for the refinery taking into account environmental aspects

v) Analyse the transportation options for transporting refined products from the refinery to the markets

vi)Analyse the option of a crude export pipeline from the oil fields to the Indian Ocean.

4.0 Qualification of the Consultancy firm

Interested consultancy firms shall comprise of consultants qualified and experienced in their respective fields with a minimum graduate qualification and with not less than 10 years of experience in the oil and gas sector.

5.0 Duration of the assignment

The assignment is estimated to last 6 months starting 20th October 2009 to 20 April 2010.

6.0 Call for Expression of Interest

The Government of Uganda represented by The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in conjunction with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) now invites eligible Consultancy firms to express their interest in providing the above mentioned services.

The EOI for this study has also been advertised internationally at

7.0 Submission of EOI

EOI for this study should be submitted to the consultant: IPAN - International Petroleum Associates Norway AS, Meltzersgt.4, Attn: Sigurd M. Andenass, N-0257 Oslo. Tel. +47 95083938. E-mail: sa @ Fax +47 22431220. URL:

Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services before 12:00 pm on 28th August 2009.

8.0 Additional Information

Terms of Reference for this study and supporting documents will be made available to qualified companies if and when they are invited to submit proposals.

Interested firms may obtain further information at the web-site indicated in (6) above and clarification on the study may be sought at the following address:

IPAN - International Petroleum Associates
Norway AS,
Attn: Sigurd M. Andenaes, N-0257 Oslo.
Tel. +4795083938.
E-mail: sa @
Fax +4722431220.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pwani University College Tender Notice

Pwani University College situated in Kilifi approx. 60 kms North of Mombasa, invites sealed bids from registered Contractors in Building and Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering for the works listed below.

The Contractors must fulfill all government of Kenya statutory requirements and all other conditions and requirements indicated below.


Interested contractors must be registered in category E and above according to MOPW classification. The tender documents for these works are available upon payment of a non-refundable fees of KShs. 5,000.00. The fee shall be paid in full (cash or bankers cheque) to Pwani University College (Finance Department Cash Office and official receipt shall be issued).


Interested contractors must be registered in category E and above according to MOPW classification. The tender documents for these works are available upon payment of a non-refundable fees of KShs. 3,000.00. The fee shall be paid in full (cash or bankers cheque) to Pwani University College (Finance Department Cash Office and official receipt shall be issued).


Interested contractors must be registered in category E and above according to MOPW classification.

The tender documents for these works are available upon payment of a non-refundable fees of KShs. 3,000.00.

The fee shall be paid in full (cash or bankers cheque) to Pwani University College (Finance Department Cash Office and official receipt shall be issued).

Also, interested eligible contractors may obtain further information on proposed works and inspect the tender documents at Pwani University College, Finance office (Administration Block) during normal working hours.

Only those who buy the tender documents shall qualify to tender.

Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs and must be in Kenya shillings.

In addition, only those firms meeting the criteria below, which must be demonstrated by attaching relevant documentary evidence, shall be considered.

a) A photostat copy of current Company Registration/Incorporation from the registrar of Companies

b) A photostat copy of Certificate of Registration by Ministry of Public Works (Category E).

c) The Bid Bond of 2% of bid price in form of bank guarantee from a reputable bank or a reputable Insurance company.

d) Details of similar works completed within the last five years giving details of clients who may be contacted for further information to meet specified experience requirement.

e) The names, qualifications and experience of key personnel.

f) Reports of financial standing (audited accounts and bank statements) of tenderer for the last three years.

g) Litigation history of the company (both court and arbitration history).

h) Details of contractors equipment, Construction facilities and type of ownership.

i) Valid Tax compliance certificate.

j) Valid PIN and VAT certificate.

Completed documents shall be sealed and marked as stated in the particular tender document and be deposited in the tender box labeled Pwani University Tender Box at Pwani University College, Kilifi. (Main Administration Block) or be addressed to

The Principal,
Pwani University College,
P.O. Box 195, KILIFI

So as to reach on or before Monday 14th September, 2009 at noon.

Tenders will be opened at 2.30 pm on the same day in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend at Pwani University College Principal's Boardroom.

Ministry of Public Works Tender for Construction & Extension of Vanga Seawall – Phase III

Ministry of Public Works
Tender for Construction & Extension of Vanga Seawall – Phase III

WP Item No. D59
CO/KWL 801
Job No. 7864D


The Government of the Republic of Kenya intends to extend the Vanga Seawall in Msambweni District.

The brief overview of the scope of works is as described here below:-
  • Concrete strip footing under seawater and waterlogged soils.
  • Construction of seawall using concrete blocks.
  • Filling up with approved materials behind the seawalls to make up levels.
  • Construction of water channels.
Tenders are hereby invited for this project and interested Contractors with the necessary experience in Marine works and registered with the Ministry of Public Works in Category 'C' and above in Civil Works may apply giving the following information.
  • Proof of registration with Ministry of Public Works.
  • Company dossier with proof of incorporation.
  • List of on-going works.
  • List of plant and equipment owned by the firm including registration numbers and year of manufacture and their current condition.
  • List of personnel proposed for execution of the works and their detailed qualification and experience, (attach copies of CV's and certificates).
  • Reports on financial standing of the firm including profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors reports for the last three years.
  • Evidence of access to lines of credit and availability of other financial resources.
  • Litigation history of the company.
  • Form of Authorisation.
  • Confidential Business Questionaire.
  • Certificate of Tenderer's visit to site.
  • Certified copies of V.A.T. certificate and P.I.N. certificate.
Contractors who have been issued with Default Notice in any ongoing Government-funded projects are not eligible to tender for the works:

The tender documents will be issued at the Contracts Office, Ministry of Public Works Building, Ngong Road, 4th Floor, room 412, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 2,000.00 in form of banker's cheque, or cash receipt payable to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works at the cash office during normal working hours.

Application in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the name of the project must be sent to the Chief Quantity Surveyor, Ministry of Public Works P.O. Box 30743-00100, Nairobi or deposited into the Tender Box on the fifth floor of the Ministry of Public Works Headquarters building so as to reach him on or before 4th September, 2009 at noon.

The Bid documents should be accompanied by a tender security of Kshs. 400,000.00 (Kenya Shillings Four Hundred Thousands Only) from a reputable bank or approved Insurance Company, and valid for 150 days from the date offender opening.

Tender Opening will take place immediately thereafter in the conference room on 5th floor, Ministry of Public Works Building, in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.

Price quoted must remain valid for a minimum period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the opening date of the tender.

Tenderers are hereby, notified of the mandatory site visit scheduled to take place on 27th August, 2009 commencing at Noon (1200Hrs).

Tenderers or their representatives are advised to assemble at the compound of the Fisheries Department, Vanga in order to be shown the site for the proposed works by the Engineer's Representative.

The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any application and is not bound to give any reason for acceptance or rejection thereof.

Eng M. Kimani, HSC

Ministry of Lands Tender Notice: Supply and delivery of Franking Machines

The Ministry of Lands invites tenders from interested and eligible tenderers for the following goods.

Tender Reference: NOL/05/2009-2010
Description of Goods: Supply and delivery of Franking Machines
Tender Closing Date: 7/9/2009

The Tender Documents with detailed information may be obtained from the Procurement Office situated on 10th floor, Ardhi House, Wing B during normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs 4000/= (Four Thousand Only) made in cash or by Bankers Cheque at Ardhi House, Nairobi, 10th Floor, cash Office.

Tenderers are required to submit a two percent (2%) bid security for the tender sum from a Bank, Insurance Company, Financial Institution or a Banker's cheque.

Completed Tender Documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the Tender Reference No. and Tender Description should be addressed and delivered to:

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Lands
P.O. Box 30450-00100

So as to be received not later than 10.00 a.m. on the tender closing date shown above.


Be deposited in the Tender Box on 12th Floor, Ardhi House on or before the date and time indicted above

All received bids will be opened same day at 10.30 a.m. in the 12th floor Boardroom in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.

Chief Procurement Officer

Expression of Interest in Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Cargo Tracking System

1.1 General Information

I n order to ensure faster and efficient flow of legitimate trade, Kenya Revenue Authority intends to extend the use of Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS) to monitor goods on transit, exports and any other goods under KRA's control by 30th September, 2009, as stipulated under the East African Community Customs Management Act (2004) and Regulations (2008) and Customs and Excise Act Cap 472.

1.2 The Objective of the Expression of Interest (EOI)

The Electronic Cargo Tracking System will be used to monitor and secure cargo under KRA's control from source to destination on real time basis, giving the cargo status, geographical location, raise an alert in the event of intrusion for appropriate intervention and any other measures deemed necessary for the said purposes.

1.3 Minimum Requirements/Qualifications

In order to pre-qualify, the interested candidates must:

a) Submit certified copies of company registration certificates/documents required to prove legal status;

b) Provide audited financial statements for the last 3 years;

c) Demonstrate access to technical competency in, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of an electronic cargo tracking system;

d) Provide manufacturers' system authority, contractual, technical obligations and state the product platform;

e) Provide evidence of a successful installation of an electronic cargo tracking system;

f) Give an outline proposal and operational model of the proposed solution;

g) Demonstrate its ability to install and maintain an electronic cargo tracking system which covers Kenya and can be expanded to the East Africa Community Region, and

h) A commitment to operate the cargo tracking system in accordance with conditions of the licence.

1.4 How to apply:

The Completed Expression of Interest and accompanying documents must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked "EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVISION OF INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRONIC CARGO TRACKING SYSTEM" and should be addressed to:

The Commissioner General, Kenya Revenue Authority,
Times Tower,
P.O Box 48240 - 00100 GPO, Nairobi.

The expression of interest and accompanying documents must be deposited in the Tender Box located on the Ground Floor, Times Tower Building, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi at or before 12:00 noon; local time on Thursday, 3rd September, 2009 at 12:00 noon and they will be opened in public immediately thereafter and in the presence of firms' representatives who choose to attend in the Convention Centre on 5th floor, Times Tower Building. Applications not received and not opened in the public opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of circumstances.

This EOI does not entail any commitment on the part of KRA, either financial or otherwise.

Kenya Revenue Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicants) of the grounds.

Any canvassing or giving of false information will lead to automatic disqualification.


Tulipe Ushuru, Tujitegemee!

Kimathi University College of Technology (KUCT) Expression of Interest

Kimathi University College of Technology (KUCT) wishes to invite suitable, experienced, and qualified consultants to carry out design, preparation of tender document and supervision of various development projects at the Nyeri Campus.

The consultancy services are required for the following projects:
  1. New engineering workshops, New academic Blocks, an Ablution Blocks Gate/ gatehouse; Upgrading of existing engineering workshops, kitchen and dining facilities.
  2. Sewerline Phase II
  3. Land surveying for planning and construction purposes.
  4. Landscaping
Separate submissions should be done for Architectural, Quantity surveyors, Structural/Civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and Land surveying services for each project listed above.

Interested firms are hereby invited to submit their Expressions of Interest in offering the consultancy services.

The Expressions of Interest submissions must be accompanied by details and photocopies of the following mandatory requirements for preliminary evaluation:

a. List of names, qualifications and experience of Key Personnel

b. Professional registration of Key personnel, as appropriate, with Board of
Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors, Engineers Registration
Board, and Land Surveyors Board/Institute of Surveyors of Kenya,

c. Professional indemnity and the Institution providing it.

d. Reports of Financial standing of the submitting firm for the past two years,

e. Information regarding any current litigation of which the submitting firm is

f. Copies of PIN, VAT, Tax Compliance Certificates and Business Licenses,

g. Past and current project briefs with clients reference, monetary value and expected dates of completion. The brief to include activities involved in the projects,

h. Any other information that may be deemed necessary.

The applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their documents and Kimathi University College of Technology will not in any way be held responsible for these costs.

The Expression of Interest documents, one original and one copy, shall be sealed in two inner envelopes marked "ORIGINAL" and "OUTER" and enclose them in an outer plain sealed envelope clearly marked.

"EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR ...... Submitting firm to state name of services ...... Services FOR ......... Submitting firm to state name of project ..." but without indicating the name of the submitting firm and addressed to:

P.O. BOX 657, 10100 - NYERI
FAX 020-7417997
CELL PHONES: 0723-366363,0736456391

EMAIL: info @

In addition, the inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the submitting firm to enable the submission to be returned unopened incase it is declared late.

All Expressions of Interest documents must be deposited in the Tender Box
at KUCT ADMINISTRATION BLOCK ENTRANCE on or before September 1st 2009
11:30 am.

Submitted Expressions of Interest will be opened in KUCT Boardroom on September 1st 2009 at 11:30 am soon after closing date and time, in the presence of candidates who may wish to attend.

Late Expressions Of Interest will be returned unopened.

Procuring Officer

Kenya Commercial Bank Tender Notice

Kenya Commercial Bank is a leading banking Group in the East African Region, renowned for its diversity and growth potential.

The Bank commands the largest branch network in Kenya and has S&L, KCB Tanzania, KCB Sudan, KCB Uganda and KCB Rwanda as its subsidiaries.

As a player in the global financial markets, the Group maintains working arrangements with correspondent banks throughout the world.

The Group Is seeking proposals/tenders for:
  1. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Video Conferencing Solution
  2. Supply and Implementation of Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources Management System
  3. Supply, Installation and Maintenance of IT Policy Enforcement System
  4. EOI and Prequalification of Contractors for Supply of Demountable/Prefab and Truck Mountable Movable Banking Units
  5. Supply and Installation of Office Furniture
  6. Sale of L.R. No.209/11930 Mombasa Road and Eldoret Plots

Eligible suppliers are invited to submit proposals based on the detailed tender documents available on the KCB website

The proposals must be delivered by hand or by courier and should be addressed to:

The Head of Procurement,
Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd,
P.O. BOX 48400-00100,
Telephone: 254 20 32702249/2852249
deposited at the Tender Box, 5th floor KENCOM Building, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.

The closing dates for each tender are indicated on the respective tender documents.

KCB reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving reasons for its decision and will not in any case be responsible or liable for any costs associated with the preparation and submission of any proposal.

Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board Tender Notice

Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board

Expression of Interest for the Provision of Financial Products and Services to Youth Enterprises under the Credit Guarantee Scheme

The Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board is a newly established State Corporation whose major mandate is to provide economic empowerment to young people through enterprise development initiatives.

One of the key objectives of the Fund is to facilitate access to markets for goods and services produced by youth owned enterprises.

The Government of Kenya has committed to set aside 10% of its annual procurement budget for youth owned enterprises.

This initiative is expected to translate to over Ksh.15 Billion being set aside by government for the procurement of goods and services from youth owned enterprises.'

The Fund has identified lack of adequate financial strength as one of the major challenges that youth owned enterprises face in their attempt to win government supply contracts.

Subsequently, the Fund has identified a number of financial products and services that will assist youth owned enterprises easily access these government contracts. These products and services include Bid and Performance Bonds, Local Purchase/Service Orders (LPO/LSO) financing, invoice factoring and business loans.

The Fund is therefore inviting expressions of interest from reputable and credible financial services providers to facilitate access to these products by youth owned enterprises.

In addition, the Fund will provide incentives to qualifying financial services providers to finance innovative business ideas from the youth, that have great potential to generate employment opportunities.

Those wishing to express interest should fulfill the following criteria:
  • Must be in existence for at least the last 5 years
  • Must have experience in the provision of financial products relevant to procurement of products/services for not less than two years
  • Provide the current product features, conditions and pricing relevant to each financial product.
  • Propose product features, conditions and pricing suitable for youth enterprises in each of the financial products.
  • Must be willing to partner with the Fund in developing and rolling out a start-up business loan product for the Kenyan youth.
  • Must be willing to leverage Fund's contribution and proposed leverage ratio. Please also propose risk-sharing ratio where applicable and expected financing level.
  • Provide operational mechanisms to ease access and to mitigate inherent risks.
  • Provide current branch network
  • Any other innovative ideas and approaches that will optimize opportunities to youth enterprises and also improve of your chances of favourable consideration.
Institutions providing sharia-compliant financial products are encouraged to apply.
Complete expressions of interest enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked 'CREDIT GUARANTEE-2009' should reach the Board on or before 28th August 2009 at the address below:

The Chief Executive Officer
Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board
8th Fir, National Bank Building, Harambee Avenue
P.O. Box 48610-00100

Unleashing potential

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Tender: Delivery of Laboratory Equipment and Laboratory Reagents

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board
ACP/EU WATER FACILITY Capacity Building Programme for Water Service Providers

TENDER NO. LVSWSB/EU/03/2009-2010

The delegation of European Commission in the Republic of Kenya on behalf of and on the account of the Government of Kenya intends to award a supply contract for the supply and delivery of Laboratory Equipment and Laboratory Reagents in Kisumu City at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Headquarters with financial assistance from the 9th EDF Programme of the European communities (EDF).

The bidding is open to ail bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the financing agreement.

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board (LVSWSB) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for:

Lot 1 Supply and delivery of Laboratory Equipment
  • 15 No. Conductivity meters
  • 15 No.Turbidimeter
  • 15 No. Lovibond Comparators
  • 15 No. Fluoride meters
  • 15 No. Jar Testers
Lot 2 : Supply and delivery of Laboratory Reagents and chemicals

The Tender dossiers are available free of charge from the Procurement office. Lake Victoria South Water Services Board offices located at Lavictor's House off Ring Road, Milimani, P.O. Box 3325, Kisumu, Kenya, Tel +254 57 2025128, fax +254 57 2025127, Email: lakevicsouth @ during normal working hours.

Interested bidders may request for tender documents by email and obtain further information at the same address.

The instructions to bidders and general conditions of contract contained in the bidding documents comply with the EU standard bidding documents for procurement of goods.

Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening and must be delivered and placed in the Tender Box at the reception of Lake Victoria South Water Services Board offices at Lavictor's house, off Ring Road Milimani, Kisumu city, Kenya

The deadline for submission of tenders is 9th September 2009 at 10.00am East African time.

The bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who chose to attend at the LVSWSB boardroom at Lavictor's house off Ring Road, Milimani, Kisumu City, Kenya.

Eng. Michael O. Ochieng'
Chief Executive Officer

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Supply and Delivery of Computers, Printers, Internet Servers and Receipting Machines

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board
ACP/EU WATER FACILITY Capacity Building Programme for Water Service Providers

TENDER NO. LVSWSB/EU/02/2009-2010

The Delegation of European Commission in the Republic of Kenya on behalf of and on the account of the Government of Kenya intends to award a supply contract for the Supply and Delivery of Computers, Printers, Internet Servers and Receipting Machines in Kisumu City at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Headquarters with financial assistance from the 9th EDF Programme of the European communities (EDF).

The bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the financing agreement.

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board (LVSWSB) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply and delivery of:
  • 15 No. Desktop Personal Computers.
  • 10 No. Printers.
  • 5 No. Receipting machines.
  • 5 No. Internet Servers and software
The Tender dossier is available free of charge from the Procurement office. La1 3 Victoria South Water Services Board offices located at Lavictor's House off Ring Road, Milims ii, P.O. Box 33255 Kisumu, Kenya, Tel +254 57 2025128, fax +254 57 2025127, Email: lakevicsouth @ during normal working hours.

Interested bidders may request for tender documents by email and obtain further information at the same address.

The instructions co bidders and general conditions of contract contained in the bidding documents comply with the EU standard bidding documents for procurement of goods.

Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening and must be delivered and placed in the Tender Box at the reception of Lake Victoria South Water Services Board offices at Lavictor's house, off Ring Road Milimani, Kisumu city, Kenya

The deadline for submission of tenders is 9th September 2009 at 10.00 am East African time.

The bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who chose to attend at the LVSWSB boardroom at Lavictor's house off Ring Road, Milimani, Kisumu City, Kenya.

Eng. Michael O. Ochieng'
Chief Executive Officer

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Tender: Supply and delivery of 36 No. Motor Cycles

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board

ACP/EU WATER FACILITY Capacity Building Programme for Water Service Providers

TENDER NO. LVSWSB/EU/01/2009-2010

The Delegation of European Commission in the Republic of Kenya on behalf of and on the account of the Government of Kenya intends to award a supply contract for the supply and delivery of Motor Cycles in Kisumu City at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board Headquarters with financial assistance from the 9th EDF Programme of the European communities (EDF).

The bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the financing agreement.

Lake Victoria South Water Services Board (LVSWSB) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of:

Supply and delivery of 36 No. Motor Cycles

The Tender dossier is available free of charge from the Procurement office, Lake Victoria South Water Services Board offices located at Lavictor's House off Ring Road, Milimani, P.O. Box 3325, Kisumu, Kenya, Tel +254 57 2025128, fax +254 57 2025127,

Email: lakevicsouth @ during normal working hours.

Interested bidders may request for tender documents by email and obtain further information at the same address.

The instructions to bidders and general conditions of contract contained in the bidding documents comply with the EU standard bidding documents for procurement of goods.
Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening and must be delivered and placed in the Tender Box at the reception of Lake Victoria South Water Services Board offices at Lavictor's house, off Ring Road Milimani, Kisumu city, Kenya

The deadline for submission of tenders is 9th September 2009 at 10.00 am East African time.

The bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who chose to attend at the LVSWSB boardroom at Lavictor's house off Ring Road, Milimani, Kisumu City, Kenya.

Eng. Michael O. Ochieng'
Chief Executive Officer

Expression of Interest to Offer Consultancy Services to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation on Development of Land Reclamation Policy

Expression of Interest to offer Consultancy Services to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation on development of Land Reclamation Policy.

1. Background

The Ministry of Water and Irrigation has been implementing Sector reforms following the launch of the National Policy on Water Resources management and development in 1999 and the enactment of the Water Act 2002. The Ministry wishes to deepen these reforms to cover other sub-sectors of the Ministry that were not covered during Water Policy formulation and review.

Consequently the Ministry wishes to hire the services of a consultant or consultancy firm to guide in the process of formulation of a Land Reclamation Policy.

2. Objectives

The overall objective of the consultancy is to assist the department of Land Reclamation complete the Land Reclamation Policy and strategies for the sub-sector.

3. Scope of work
  • Review and align the draft Land reclamation policy document with related Policies, Legislations and Strategies
  • Develop and facilitate the finalization of the Land Reclamation policy and strategies
  • Facilitate 3 stakeholders workshops geared towards finalization of the Land Reclamation policy and strategies.
  • Complete and refine the draft policy document after the stakeholder workshops and present the results to the steering committee.
  • Finalize and deliver a soft copy and ten (10) bound copies of the completed draft Land Reclamation Policy and strategies
4. Approach

The consultant will be required to review relevant Policy, Legal and Strategic documents and make recommendations to a steering committee on the way forward in the formulation of an all inclusive and participatory policy

The Consultant in consultation with the steering committee members will draw the schedule of activities and organization of the whole process.

The consultant will more specifically;-
  • Analyze the challenges of land degradation on national development
  • Analyze the challenges of land reclamation and the impact of implementing the sub-sector plans and also recommend institutional framework.
  • Analyze the linkages and likely impact the Land Reclamation Policy may have on other sectors and on the environment
  • Lead in at least 3 stakeholders consultative meetings /workshop
  • Develop, refine and deliver a completed Land Reclamation policy draft document
5. Timing

The consultant will be engaged on short term basis on to an agreed action plan for a period not exceeding forty (40) days.

6. Qualification and experience

The lead Consultant has a minimum of a Masters degree in a relevant field, be knowledgeable on land degradation, reclamation and development issues.

Has wide skills and experience in policy formulation and development. Be experienced in Land Reclamation and ASAL development as it relates to national development.

The expression of interest (Eol) and availability to undertake the requested service at a short notice should include:
  • A detailed CV of the Key consultants, time allocated, proposed work program, details of previous experience for similar work and all government requirements in one cover
  • Detailed financial proposal, including mode of payment in another cover.
Both proposals should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked 'LRP Eol and "LRP Financial Proposal to the: Address below, so as to reach on or before 31" August 2009.

Chief Procurement Officer
Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
P. O. Box 49720-00100
MAJI House, Ngong Rd