Monday, March 8, 2010

Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS)

Provision of Consultancy Services for Review of Business and Technical Design, Development and Implementation of Phase Two (2) Modules of Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS)

1. Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is an autonomous body responsible for managing collection of central government taxes in Kenya. KRA operates on a function-based structure which eliminates duplication, provides for a single point of access for taxpayer enquiries, a common registration function, a single accounting framework, enforcement and audit across tax heads, dedicated information processing operations, and common support functions.

2. As part of the Revenue Administration Reform and Modernization Programme, KRA has launched an Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS) Project whose implementation covers three stages:

2.1. Business Process Review and Design
2.2. System Analysis and Design
2.3. System Development and Implementation

2.3.1 Phase 1: covering seven (7) modules supporting external facing Taxpayer Services.
2.3.2 Phase 2: development of eleven (I I) remaining modules.

Implementation of the ITMS project commenced in September 2007 and items 2.1,2.2 and 2.3.1 have been completed.

3. KRA is now inviting Expression of Interests (EOIs) from suitably qualified Consultants with appropriate experience in implementing integrated tax administration systems for development and implementation of Phase 2 modules of the ITMS.

4. The scope of required services includes the following:

4.1. Analysis of Business and Technical Design artifacts and Phase I products already developed to ensure seamless integration with Phase 2.

4.2. Development and implementation of the following eleven (II) modules:

4.2.1 TaxpayerAccount(TPA)
4.2.2 Work Flow Management (WFM)
4.2.3 Compliance Monitoring (C&M)
4.2.4 Audit (AUD)
4.2.5 Debt and Enforcement (D&E)
4.2.6 Tax Credits and Refunds (TCR)
4.2.7 Payment Plans Processing and Control (PPP)
4.2.8 External Information Management (ElM)
4.2.9 Management and Statistics Reports (MST)
4.2.10 Taxpayer Services (TPS)
4.2.11 Technical Support Services (TSS).

Site or location of works, place of delivery or performance is Nairobi, Kenya.

5. Please refer to the KRA website:, for Terms of Reference and supporting information, and details required for completion of Expressions of Interest (EQIs) including the required Application Form.

EQIs will be assessed against the Criteria outlined in the Application Form.

EQIs should be restricted to a Capability Statement of no more than ten (10) A4 pages.

In addition, abridged CVs of no more than two (2) pages for each of the proposed Key Personnel should also be submitted.

The Completed Expression of Interest and accompanying documents must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked “PROVISION OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR REVIEW OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE 2 MODULES OF THE KRA INTEGRATED TAX MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ITMS)” and addressed to:

The Commissioner General,
Kenya Revenue Authority,
25th Floor, Times Tower, Haile Selassie Avenue
P0 Box 48240—00100 GPO, Nairobi.
Telephone: +254202817022
Fax: +25420313509

The deadline of expression of interest is Wednesday 31st March, 2010 at 12:00 Noon Kenya time and they will be opened in public immediately thereafter and in the presence of firms’ representatives who choose to attend in the Convention Centre on 5th floor, Times Tower Building.

Applications not received and not opened in the public opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.

Cost to be borne by the Respondents: All expenses required for preparation and submission of the response to this EQI including providing any additional information shall be entirely incurred and borne by the respondent.

This EQI does not entail any commitment on the part of KRA, either financial or otherwise. KRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EQIs without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the grounds.

Any canvassing or giving of false in formation will lead to automatic disqualification.