Tender Ref. No.: NGONG II/ 001 EPC
Tender Name: Ngong II Wind Power Project
The Republic of Kenya has received from the Kingdom of Spain a concessional loan for
a maximum amount of Euro 20 million, the proceeds of which will be utilized towards the financing of the Ngong II Wind Power Project.
The Ministry of Energy, which is the implementing agency for generation capacity expansion has delegated to KenGen the responsibility of selecting a Contractor for implementing the project.
The Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited [KenGen] invites sealed tenders from
eligible candidates for the design, manufacture, supply, delivery, erection, testing and
commissioning of: 10Mw Ngong II Wind Power Project
Bidding is open to all firms from the Kingdom of Spain being the eligible source country.
Interested firms who are prepared to submit complete and comprehensive Tenders for
timely completion of the works as detailed in the attached Specification may obtain further information from and inspect the tender documents at:
Supply Chain Manager
Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited
Ground Floor Stima Plaza, Phase III
Kolobot Road, Parklands
P.O. Box 47936-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
e-mail: pkimemia@kengen.co.ke
cc. ckiara@kengen.co.ke; dkagiri@kengen.co.ke and cmaende@kengen.co.ke
during normal working hours.
All correspondence shall be addressed to the above office.
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates upon payment of non-refundable fees of KShs. 5,000 (Kenya Shillings Five Thousand) or the equivalent amount in foreign currency in cash or Bankers cheque payable to Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited.
This amount does not include postage or courier charges for the tender document.
The document can also be viewed and downloaded from the website www.kengen.co.ke and the payment evidence be submitted with the tender documents.
Bidders who download the tender document from the website will be required to pay a reduced fee of KShs. 3,000.00 (Kenya Shillings Three Thousand).
Bidders who download the tender document from the website should immediately notify the Supply Chain Manager and furnish their contact and address for the purpose of issuing clarifications or tender addendum.
Prices quoted should include duties and taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract and must be in Euro and shall remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of the tender.
One (1) original and three (3) copies of the tender documents must be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked as follows:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security for Euro 200,000 (Euro Two Hundred Thousand) or KShs. 20,000,000 (Kenya Shillings Twenty Million) and must be delivered to the following address:
The Company Secretary, Legal & Corporate Affairs Director
Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited
7th Floor, Stima Plaza
Kolobot Road, Parklands
P.O. Box 47936-00100
Tel: +254 20 3666708
so as to be received not later than 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 16th March 2010.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their
representatives who choose to attend at The Executive Committee Meeting Room on 7th Floor of KenGen Stima Plaza offices.
A site visit will be held on Tuesday 9th February 2010.
Bidders are strongly advised to attend or sent their nominated representatives.
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