Thursday, September 17, 2009

Republic of Kenya The Judiciary Tender Notice: Provision of Security Services

The Judiciary invites bids from interested Security firms for the provision of security services to its installations as follows:-

Tender No. JUD/4/2009-11: Provision of Security Services (period from 1st January, 2010 to 31st January 2011)

Tender Documents with detailed information and specifications may be obtained from the Procurement Section on Second Floor, Room 105, High Court Building from 17th September, 2009 upon payment of a non- refundable fee of Kshs.5,000/- per set to the Cashier in Room 91 in cash or Banker's cheque payable to the Registrar, High Court of Kenya.

Complete bid documents in plain sealed envelopes marked "Tender No. JUD/4/2009 - 11 for the Provision of Security Services" MUST be accompanied with a Bid Security of Kshs.200,000/= in the form of a Banker's Guarantee or a Banker's cheque payable to the Registrar, High Court of Kenya and should be addressed to

The Registrar,
High Court of Kenya,
P.O. Box 30041,

and be deposited in the Tender Box at the Main Gate of the High Court building Gate No.1 on, or before 7th October, 2009 at 10.00 a.m.

Please note that bids submitted late will not be accepted.

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the Board Room in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives who wish to witness the opening process.

The Judiciary reserves the right to accept any tender either in part or wholly and is not bound to give any reason(s) for its action(s).