Thursday, September 17, 2009

Invitation for Expression of Interest for Architectural Services

The Advertiser, a large housing Cooperative Society which is committed to providing quality affordable houses to its members wishes to construct a housing estate at a site within Mavoko Municipality, Machakos district.

They wish to engage the services of an Architectural firm to design and supervise the project.

Scope of Architectural Services

Interested Architectural firms having requisite qualifications and experience are hereby invited to express their interest in providing the consultancy services.

The successful firm shall be appointed as the overall Lead Consultant in a consortium comprising of all experts required in the design and implementation of the project who will be separately appointed by the Client.

Consultants will be selected on the basis of the firm's general and specific experience; qualification and experience of the firm's key personnel and organization strength.

The expression of interest document should demonstrate the consultant's experience in similar tasks.

Interested firms MUST provide all information below indicating their professional capability to undertake the consultancy.
  • Provide company profile. Legal Status, and professional registration documents for the Partners/Senior staff.
  • Details of the Firm's relevant experience in executing works of similar nature and magnitude including at least three completed/Ongoing housing projects of not less than KShs. 200 million undertaken by the firm as Lead Consultants in the last Ten (10) years.
  • Letters of reference for satisfactorily completed projects for the last ten (10) years for at least 3 three projects.
  • Details of firm's ownership/Directorship and Citizenship and Physical Location of the Firm's offices
  • Certified copies of the following documents:
  1. Certificate of registration for the firm
  2. 2009 Trade Licence
  3. Registration by the Board of Architects and Quantity Surveyors
  4. PIN, VAT and a valid Tax Compliance Certificate
  5. Professional Indemnity and the institution providing it
  • Audited accounts for the last 3 years
  • Litigation History
The expression of interest applications will be opened (opening only - not submission) on 30th September 2009 at noon at the offices of NACHU Ltd, Kiambere Rd off Upper Hill road.

Those who had earlier made the application for expression of interest need to re-apply with only a one paragraph note confirming that they have already made their expression of interest.

You should be prepared to substantiate the claimed experience by providing contractual or other evidence as proof if so requested by the Client any time prior to, or if shortlisted, during contract negations.

Expression of interest documents should be prepared in English and should be submitted in a plain sealed envelope marked "Expression of Interest for provision of Architectural Services" addressed to:

DN/A 339
P.O Box 49010-00100,

so as to reach forwarding address on or before 5pm. on 29th September 2009.