Thursday, April 16, 2009

Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Tender: Investment Consulting Services

We are in the process of developing an Investment Policy which will guide the society Board in making investment decisions which will help in maximizing returns and minimizing risks.

In this regard, we are looking for the services of a consultant to develop the policy.

The consultant will be expected to do so in line with:-

1) The ministry of Co-operatives Investment policy guidelines,
2) Society by-laws,
3) Capital Market Authority guidelines
4) Nairobi Stock Exchange guidelines
5) Any other relevant laws of the country

Interested parties should send a detailed technical and financial proposal to the undersigned on or before 29th April 2009 to:

The Chairman Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd
P.O. Box 3-00216

Tel: 020 2130885/6/7,2059887,2133036

Fax: 020 2535245,2035284